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Traffic Pattern Altitude: MSL 6,200 Light aircraft 6,700 Heavy Aircraft
5,700 Helicopters Time Zone: UTC -7 (year round; does not observe DST)
APCH/DEP Service provided by Albuquerque ARTCC On Frequencies 124.85/239.05 (Globe NR 1 RCAG)
FSS tie-in: Prescott 1-800-WX-BRIEF
Complete information at: http://www.airnav.com/airport/KPAN
Proposed Rates & Charges 2012-2013
• Anniversary dates: July 1, October 1, January 1, April 1 • Rental Fees for other government agencies are 1/2 • No refunds for unused prepaid rental fees. • All tie-down leases may receive a gate access card, if requested, and require a $20 refundable deposit. • No interest is paid on deposits. • Late Fees: $10/month after the 15th of billing cycle. Updated: 5/14/2012